Idolatry and wickedness were rampant in Bethel and in Gilgal, the centers of Israel’s worship in the days of Hosea. Those two places of hallowed memories were now places of Ephraim’s apostasy from God. Bethel–the house of God–the prophet now calls Beth-aven (Hosea 4:15)–the house of vanity or nothingness. The prophet testified, “All their wickedness is in Gilgal” (Hosea 9:15), the place where once Israel had known the rolling away of the reproach of Egypt. The honored names of Bethel and Gilgal were on the people’s lips but the nation of Israel was far away from her God.
Turn Thou to Thy God
This was the time when the exhortation was given: “Turn thou to thy God.” The encouragement to do this was what had happened to Jacob at Bethel when he least deserved God’s mercy. The present condition of Bethel might well cause an honest heart to turn from its idolatries; the memory of Jacob’s experience in Bethel might well cause the troubled saint to turn again to the God of Jacob.
The darker the day, the more general the apostasy, and the greater the need for the saint of God to turn in faith to Him. This is the great need today. “If any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Rev. 3:20). When conditions are discouraging, turn again to the living God Himself. “Turn thou to thy God.”
Keep Mercy and Judgment
Seek the quiet place to be alone with the Lord. Pour out your heart to Him. Tell Him all about yourself and about His people. Seek the conscious presence of God. “Keep mercy and judgment.” How needful these are today among the erring people of God! Mercy, that you be not too hard or unfeeling. Judgment, that wisdom might weigh every circumstance. Let God be honored in His holiness; but let everything be weighed in the balance of the sanctuary.
Mercy delights God’s heart; judgment honors His truth. He who knows his Lord’s will is more responsible than he who knows it not. A blind man who could not see the signs is not so responsible on the wrong road as he who saw but would not heed. A wise man will judge righteous judgment.
Wait on Thy God Continually
“Wait on thy God continually.” This is the daily need, the hourly need until the Lord comes. Let not neglected prayer bring darkness or bitterness into the life. A continual waiting on God brings a continual experience of God’s peace garrisoning the heart. This condition is not only blessed, it prepares the Christian to be a blessing to others.