An Appreciation of Home

Next to our own home, we have discovered a home away from home. No small claim indeed! The tidiness and cleanliness of this home deserves high marks. So does the staff from the director to the least of the attendants. Friendliness and cooperation characterize all. No wonder, for we are in a Christian atmosphere.

Much liberty is entrusted and enjoyed by the residents. While those in measurable health can enjoy this liberty, it is comforting to know that the varied amenities of the infirmary are well prepared for any emergency.

Where cultivation is possible, the colorful flowers and well-manicured lawn fit the emblazoned title on the building. The spacious sea frontage to the Home affords an excellent view of the ocean, especially of an eastern sunrise–a reward to the early riser. The sands themselves invoke wonder to the observer. The stormy waves effortlessly move massive deposits from one area to another, often creating surprise in dwellers who felt their beach was stable. A stroller along the sands on a winter’s day often has only the seagulls as his companions. They seem so tame.

A spirit of camaraderie is often encountered among other fellow walkers of the sands. Sometimes a bit of the gospel can be slipped into a conversation. Sometimes we have witnessed flapping fish caught by the pole-fishermen during the season. On one occasion, we mentioned the One who can make us fishers of men.

We have been also pleasantly surprised to learn how many notice and read the Scripture texts that decorate the Home.
On account of limited vision, I am appreciating my borrowed radio. The broadcast news helps me to keep abreast of the current events so graphically moving toward fulfilling biblical signs. Then, too, there are three Christian stations. That assures us that God still has His witnesses that reach the otherwise unreachable.

Also, we are treated to some excellent sermons–gifts of the risen Head of the Church so that our faith is nurtured by “hearing the preached Word.”

Recently we figuratively glued our seat to the desk chair and wrote some suggestions for the 1995 Choice Gleanings Calendar. So we feebly attempt to obey the Saviour’s command: “Occupy till I come.” Like Gideon’s 300, we are faint, yet still pursuing.

Uplook Magazine, September 1994
Written by Edwin Feche