A Heart for Witnessing

Heart-shaped pins with the five colors of the “Wordless Book” (black, red, clear, green, and gold) were made and given away by two women on their recent tour of Israel. Along with each pin, the written Word was passed out as well.

The scripture, “You shall be witnesses unto Me, both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8), really came true. It was exciting to see how the Lord sovereignly led in the distribution of these silent messengers.

Before the plane landed at Lod  Airport in Israel, the gospel had already been given to  a soccer coach from Nazareth, an Arab Moslem, and to a Jewish architectural student from Tel Aviv studying in America–both on their way home to Israel for the summer.

Through the pins, once we arrived in the Land, the gospel was given to a housekeeping maid from Lebanon; a German Jewish lady in a diamond factory; several Palestinian street vendors; a divorcee with six children under the age of 15, who was keeping a restroom door in the Old City of Jerusalem; a Jewish sales clerk in a hotel lobby; an Arab waiter; an American Jewish student studying Hebrew in Israel; two Jewish restaurant hostesses, one from Kiev, Russia, and the other from Finland; Palestinian and Jewish bus drivers and many others.

The hearts, stones, and pin backs can be bought at craft stores. They’re inexpensive to make but very attractive and eye-catching–an easy lead into the gospel presentation. Even the maitre d’ commented, “That is a beautiful pin you have on.” Although the pin is for women, it can easily be given to a man for his wife, daughter, mother, or sister.

With a little effort and a watchful eye for opportunities, this can be a wonderful, exciting way to witness. The possibilities are unlimited!

Editor’s Note:
As I travel the country, often speaking of the need for evangelism, I find four basic responses:

i) Vacant stares: Are there some who still do not believe our Lord really gave the Great Commission? Or do they not know anyone that is lost? Or do they think it must be someone else’s job? Or are they so absorbed with the present world that they have lost sight of the next?

ii) Worn Excuses: I’m not the type (the saved type, you mean?). No one I talk to is interested. I’m too busy (probably closest to the truth).

iii) Eager Questions: How do you do it? Can you help us get started? What are some good tracts? What do you say when…?

iv) War Stories: Every generation ought to have their war stories. If you put your armor on each morning (including your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel), and go out with Sword in hand and a prayer in your heart, God will use you.

So are you i, ii, iii, or iv?

Uplook Magazine, July/August 1994
Written by Joyce Barinowski