Angels are Watching!

Those heavenly creatures whose very existence is to serve and obey the commands of God, gaze down upon the people of God in wonder and amazement. They are accustomed to seeing many wonders, for they dwell in the presence of God. They were present at the Incarnation of the blessed Son of God (Lk. 2). They have been witnesses of all the mighty works of God through the ages.

Angels compose a vast host (Ps. 68:17); and each is mighty in power. It required only two angels to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19:13), and yet our Lord declared that He could have had more than twelve legions of angels by His side if needed (Mt. 26:53). The Bible speaks of them as patient, meek, modest, and holy. They are spoken of as having great wisdom and knowledge. And yet, with all that attributed to them, the Bible reminds us that we are a “spectacle to angels” (1 Cor. 4:9).

What are angels observing in us? What do they see in the Church, as they watch it develop as the Bride, to be presented without spot or wrinkle to their Creator and Sovereign?

They observe the grace of God (1 Pet. 1:12). Peter had been reminding those scattered, persecuted believers of all the blessings that were theirs because of God’s matchless grace as found in our Lord Jesus Christ. They had been sinners, lost and undone, but brought into the family of God through simple faith in the finished work of Christ. By God’s grace, sinners are forgiven, sanctified, justified and invited to come boldly into His presence. Peter reminds them of their family inheritance and of their eternal security, being kept by the power of God.

Angels are strangers to God’s grace. One act of disobedience placed one-third of them in the ranks of fallen angels, from which there is no recovery. They stand in awe at the grace bestowed upon us–sinful creatures, for none of their fellow messengers who fell will ever be redeemed.

But for the Atonement who can tell
Why earth is favored more than hell?
Why fallen man such good receives,
While fallen angels nought relieves. (Wm. Blane)

How much more should we, who are the recipients of such matchless grace, stand in awe and wonder at the remembrance of such truths. May we never lose the wonder of it all, that we have been saved by grace.

Angels observe the wisdom of God (Eph. 3:10). In this age of grace the Church reveals to the myriad hosts in heaven the mystery that was concealed for countless ages. The mystery as to God’s final disposition of man’s sin–how God could be glorified in handling such a task–how God could be Just and the Justifier of sinful man. These creatures had observed the failure of man from the beginning. God’s earthly masterpiece, the nation of Israel that was to show forth His praises, had failed. The Gentiles, who were strangers to His covenants with Israel, had joined forces with them in crucifying the Son of God. Angelic hosts now observe these two entities being formed into one body, the Church, as heirs and joint heirs with their Redeemer.

In wonder and amazement, they view the wisdom of God, bringing about a “new creation” and giving it to His Son as His Bride. The Church reveals the wisdom of God in His triumph over the havoc wrought by Satan, as they see that Bride being prepared to inhabit the place that the evil one himself coveted.

The angels also observe the holiness of God (1 Tim. 5:20-21). The context of the passage reflects the responsibility of the Church to rebuke those believers that sin. Angels have the solemn responsibility to guard the holy presence of God. We see it from the beginning, as they guarded the way to the entrance of Eden. We observe them symbolically pictured in this fashion woven into the linen curtains of the tabernacle, as well as hovering over the mercy seat. Isaiah describes their duties in chapter 6 of his prophecy.

These messengers who carry out God’s judgment  do so without partiality, for to them is revealed the full truth concerning such matters by the One who knows the heart. How serious a matter it is for the local church to discipline according as the Word of God instructs us. We too, should not judge hastily, until the truth is known, and we should not show partiality in any case, but when such is revealed, it should be judged. Angels observe us in these matters, for the Church is the dwelling place of God (1 Cor. 3:16).

These heavenly hosts also observe the glory of God (1 Cor. 11:10). As they gaze upon the local church as it gathers as one body, they observe the divine order established for men and women, reflected by the women’s head covered. They were present at man and woman’s creation, and were witnesses of their God-given roles. Now they see them in the church as new creations in Christ Jesus, returning to God’s original order of the woman’s submission to the man’s headship. Though there is no difference in the standing for men and women according to God’s grace, angels observe God’s government being carried out in the distinct roles of men and women in the church.

These creatures who cover themselves in the presence of God, see man’s glory covered by the woman,  who is the glory of the man. And they see the man uncovered, who is the image and glory of God, reflecting  his Head, the Lord Jesus Christ, that He might have the preeminence. Angels delight to see their Sovereign given the glory and honor that is due Him by His new creation.

Angels minister to us and they shall be our companions in heaven. However, now they observe us as we show to them the attributes of our loving God.

The cherubim of dreadful ire,
The seraphim with mercy’s fire,
All angels, the Archangel too,
Shall reap eternal blessings through
The death of Christ. For while therein
They see God’s estimate of sin
And fear, they also there can see
His love revealed beyond degree;
Which firmer confidence inspires,
And tunes all heaven’s unceasing lyres,
In loftier strains than e’er before,
To swell His praise for evermore….
The arch-fiend, too, the effect shall feel,
Of having bruised the Saviour’s heel.
He, with his whole infernal crew,
In bitter, dire remorse shall rue
That e’er he left the nether sphere
To make his blind adventures here.
Hades and Death shall vanquished be;
And all their prisoners set free.
The second death , the burning lake,
Shall all opposing powers o’ertake;
For He who once to death did yield
Shall so completely gain the field,
That all His enemies shall be
Beneath His feet eternally. (Wm. Blane)

Uplook Magazine, January 1994
Written by W. Larry Batts