Eternally Secure

One of the ways my library has been built has been through gifts of various people. As older people begin to thin out their libraries, I have been the happy recipient of some very good books. At least I presume them to be good books, for in reality I have not read all of them. Some of these volumes “sleep” on my shelves for months or years until by some prompting I get them down and read them.

A few weeks ago, I received a note saying that a book had just been reprinted that had been a source of real encouragement to the note-writer. I found I had an old copy of this book on my shelves that I had never read–so with this prompting I took it down and began to peruse its contents. What a treat was mine and how vital a subject matter.

The book is entitled Shall Never Perish by J.F. Strombeck. The subject is the eternal security of the believer. In every age, Satan attempts to undermine the doctrines of salvation. The pure, simple, gospel of the Lord Jesus is constantly under attack, and needs to be constantly proclaimed in all its glory by each of us. One of the more prevalent, and fatal doctrines to the grand salvation we preach is the doctrine that says we can lose our salvation. It is a doctrine that causes Christians to live in fear and depression robbing them of the joy of their salvation.

This in turn stifles their growth and maturity as a believer and brings dishonor on the person and work of Christ. In this book Strombeck defines eternal security and then, in a thorough study, demonstrates how this doctrine is necessary to a correct view of the person and work of Christ. By denying eternal security, one must deny the words of Christ, the efficacy of the death and blood of Christ, the office of the Holy Spirit, the present ministry of Christ, and the reality of the new birth. In the third section, he deals with a common objection to the doctrine of eternal security. Many feel that to teach eternal security you will encourage a recklessness toward godly living. Mr. Strombeck argues from Scripture that in fact the opposite is true. The great admonitions to holy living are preceded with assurances of our standing in the grace of God. Finally he deals with some misunderstood passages and commonly misinterpreted passages regarding this issue. Lewis Sperry Chafer wrote, “I know of nothing in print more exhaustive, direct, concise, simple, or conclusive on the subject of the eternal security of the believer than the book Shall Never Perish by J.F. Strombeck.” I tend to agree with him.

A companion book to read along the same lines is Disciplined by Grace by the same author. This is essentially an exposition of Titus 2:11-13. The grace of God teaches us. I liked his definition of grace. He wrote, “Grace, then, is God’s provision to bring into being, sustain, and perfect His new creation in Christ Jesus. It is the operation of His infinite love on behalf of such as are worthy of everlasting punishment.

This outpouring of God’s infinite love is possible only because Jesus Christ, by His death, fully satisfied all the demands of God’s justice. As grace came by Jesus Christ, only those who receive Him are under grace.” The rest of the book explains that definition. It is clearly demonstrated that since we can be assured of God’s unending love and mercy we will be properly motivated to service for Him and the earnest anticipation of His coming is the blessed hope of the believer and his prod to holy living. Because He loves us, He disciplines us. This causes fruit unto righteousness without which no one sees the Lord. This is a rich and practical treatment of a much neglected subject. It is a delightful book well worth reading.

Kregel has reprinted both of these and they can be purchased from them, from Gospel Folio, or from your favorite Christian bookstore.

Other books by J. F. Strombeck:
First the Rapture
Grace and Truth
So Great Salvation
