Is Christ Your Focus?

More and more I am made to feel that Christ does not have His proper place among the children of God. He is not the object. It is either a doctrine, a dogma, a party, my experience–something beside Christ. We seem possessed with much the same spirit that actuated Peter on the mount when he said: “Let us make three tabernacles.”

The Father would remedy this. “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased: hear ye Him . . . and when they had lifted up their eyes they saw no man save Jesus only” (read Matt. 17:1-8).

Have you ever been in the “cloud,” brother? Have you ever heard the “voice”? Have you ever been on your “face”? Have you ever felt the “touch”? Then have you heard another voice, “Arise”? Do your eyes see “no man save Jesus only”?

“Christ is all” (Col. 3:11). Is He this to us? Is it a question of my salvation? “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God” (Jn. 1:12). Is it a question of experience? “For to me to live is Christ” (Phil. 1:21). Is it a question of service? “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13). Is it a question of my path ? “I am the way” (John 14:6). Is it a question of heaven, the place to which my path leads? He would define it as “where I am” (Jn. 14:3). O, let us know more of that rich blessedness which comes of making Christ all. Our cry should be, “That I may know Him”(Phil. 3:10).

In our selfishness, we cry and beg for blessing. It is the Blesser we need, Himself. He is the joy of our Father’s heart. Let us taste with Him the delight He takes in His Son. Christ is infinitely higher than doctrine or experience. Experience we will have, doctrine we will need, but only with Him can our hearts be satisfied.

Why is it we are not changed more from “glory to glory”? The veil has been rent; the blood has been sprinkled; the Spirit is given. The reason is that we are occupied with ourselves and the work of the Spirit in us, rather than with Christ alone. This is a weakness in the widespread holiness work, so much of which is superficial. Let us look more into that unveiled Face from which the light of the knowledge of the glory of God streams (2 Cor. 4:6). The Spirit never occupies me with His work in me. And if I am thus occupied, I am out of the Spirit. The word is, “He shall not speak of Himself . . . He shall glorify Me” (Jn. 16:13-14). Nor was the work of Christ, wonderfully blessed as it is,  ever intended to be the object of my heart. It gives my conscience peace, sweet peace, but only His Person can satisfy the heart. And O, how His person does it!

The Father would direct us to Him (Acts 7:55-56. The Word of God would speak of Him (Jn. 5:39). He is the object of faith; He is the object of love; He is the object of hope; and faith, or love, or hope that does not make Him the object is spurious and unreal.

He is all for my path; He is all for my service; He is all for my worship; blessed, blessed be His holy name. He is not on the Cross; He is not in the grave; He is on the throne. Wondrous fact, a Man in the glory of God, and that Man my precious Saviour; my Bridegroom; my Priest; my Advocate; the One who died for me; the One who lives for me; the One who is coming for me. It is not surprising that Peter should say, “Unto you, therefore which believe, He is precious.”

Both the secular world and the religious world seem bent upon shutting Him out. The former is “reserved unto fire,” the latter He will vomit out of His mouth (see 2 Pet. 3; Rev. 3). Keep clear from them both, dear brother. “Go forth unto Him” (Heb. 13). He is enough.

May it be with us, Christ, Christ, Christ. You will not get a greater portion or place than He got. Your portion here will be “food and raiment,” your place “outside.” There your portion is all “spiritual blessing,” your place “in Him.” Let every affection, every desire, every thought be gathered in and centered upon Him.

Uplook Magazine, November 1992
Written by F. C. Bland