What an elixir for the soul is provided in the contemplation of the greatness and glories of our Lord Jesus Christ! God has declared that He “gave Him to be head over all things.” He has also decreed that “He might fill all things.” Here are three statements which allude to Christ’s transcendental greatness.
The preacher in Ecclesiastes 5:8 refers to One who is “higher than the highest.” The writer to the Hebrews 7:26 alluding to our great High Priest, states that He is “higher than the heavens.” And in Psalm 89:27 God says, “I will make Him My firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth.”
The Book of Ecclesiastes is the chapel into which we may enter and listen awhile to the preacher. In his dissertation, he discloses how carefully he has tested everything under the sun in an endeavor to discover something from which true happiness might be procured. The summation of all his research can best be told in his own words: “All is vanity and vexation of spirit.” Had real, true and lasting joy been discovered in the realms of the ephemeral, then we might have said there was no need for Abraham to maintain a tent and an altar — things that suggest the transient — and to look for a city which has foundations whose builder and maker is God. Nor would it have been necessary for Moses to suffer affliction with the people of God if Egypt’s pleasures were of an enduring nature. This world can provide nothing of a lasting character and its joys are short-lived. It was during these experimental enterprises that the preacher in Ecclesiastes makes reference to One who is “higher than the highest.” Potentates there were like himself at the time of this treatise, yet no matter how lofty their thrones, he would assure us that there was One who far excelled them all.
Go back in thought to the time when there were no men upon this earth. Heaven’s hierarchy (creatures of His hand destined to serve Him day and night forever) were onlookers at the laying of earth’s foundations, when they emitted that jubilant sound, blending their voices in holy unison in that prehistoric song. It was by their disposition that Israel received the law; and by whose instrumentality the elect on the earth shall be gathered out of the kingdom. As servants of God, they were ever responsive to His commands and executed His holy will. Such creatures can only be faintly considered by us, nor can we apprehend their greatness and dignity, yet, no matter how great or dignified they may be, such are creatures of His hand, and He is their great Creator, higher than the highest!
Cherubim and seraphim may be justly considered as being associated with the intrinsic holiness of God and supporting every edict that emanates from the throne of His holiness. “Lofty creatures,” you say; but they are only creatures. He is their Creator and therefore He is higher than the highest.
Michael is one of the chief princes, who came forth for the deliverance of another angel whom the wicked spirit of the Prince of Persia withstood in the unseen world for three weeks. He is certainly a mighty one in the creation of God. Still, there is One who is higher than the highest. He is Michael’s Lord.
Gabriel, too, that divine messenger commissioned to carry the tidings of the advent of Christ Jesus the Lord, played an important role in earlier revelation from God to men. He stands in a lofty place and has a noble calling, yet there is One who by far supersedes all others.
Bring into relief the mighty men of faith, whose names are inscribed in the annals of eternal renown for their illustrious deeds, whether they be patriarchs, priests, prophets or princes, each has lived and exercised authority by the authority of Another, that is God’s Son. No matter what the particular characteristic may be — walking with God; pleasing God; believing and obeying God — each was a creature of His hand, who, when He takes His place in creation is “firstborn of all creation,” and this suggests to us priority of rank and dignity of position, not point of time.
It matters not what dignity is conferred upon angels or men, there is One who holds that supreme position in glorious headship, to whom every knee must bow in the acknowledgment of His supremacy, who leaves the stamp of glory on every subordinate authority.
Throughout all time and eternity One has eclipsed all others. He, who took the lowest place, is altogether “higher than the highest.”
Written by W.F. Naismith