November 27 Petition Mission

“But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, ‘Give us a king to judge us.’ So Samuel prayed to the Lord. And the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you…’” (1 Sam 8:6-7). A striking example of a special prayer category: the ones we wish He hadn’t granted!

Insisting on our wills, when contrary to God’s, is the sure formula for trouble. In talking about prayer with one of my little children, I said, “Isn’t it great how God answers prayer?” She responded, “Daddy, sometimes He says ‘Yes,’ sometimes He says, ‘No,’ sometimes He says, ‘Wait,’ and sometimes He says, ‘O.K.’” I asked, “What’s the difference between Yes and O.K.?” “Well, sometimes we want something, and you don’t want us to have it, but we keep bothering you so you say, ‘O.K.’”

The psalmist commented, when Israel “tempted God in the desert”: “He gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul” (Ps 106:14-15, KJV). Stomachs full; souls empty! Lord, keep us from settling for O.Ks.