“The SPIRIT of CHRIST” (Rom 8:9). The Venerable Bede (c. 672–735) was an author, teacher, and scholar. His work, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People, gained him the title “The Father of English History.” In writing about Pentecost, he said, “The Law was given on the fiftieth day after the slaying of the lamb, when the Lord descended on the mountain in fire; likewise on the fiftieth day after the resurrection of our Redeemer,…the grace of the Holy Spirit, descending in the outward appearance of fire, was given to the disciples.…At the sealing of the first covenant, the people remained at the base of the mountain,…only Moses ascended to the summit. At the sealing of the second covenant, the whole community of God’s people was gathered at the summit, in the upper room. For the observance of the Law was given to only one nation (see Ps 147:20), but the gifts of the Spirit to the Church are for proclaiming the gospel to every living person….”