July 9

CHRIST OUR ROOMMATE: “If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in…” (Rev 3:20). Martha Snell Nicholson, author of many inspiring poems, was bedridden for 29 years. Yet a reader today would never detect that she suffered excruciating pain due to tuberculosis, arthritis, angina, Parkinson’s, and finally cancer. For, as she put it: “The Christ of the sickroom shows a very tender face to the shut-in.” In His Banner Over Me, she wrote: “I do not know the day nor the way God in His great graciousness and tenderness made Himself known to me. I wish that I could remember. I must have been six or seven when the tremendous event transpired and I became…a child of the living God. Not only a child of God, but a joint-heir with Christ! All His riches became my riches…My passionate little heart was flooded with love for God and for the Lord Jesus Christ…And so, my Lord and I began to walk together, my hand resting trustingly in His.”
