July 8 Petition Mission

“Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done” (Lk 22:42).

If ever there were an example to follow in prayer, it is our Master. He chose never to act in self-will, even though that will was in alignment with His Father’s.

We can’t even predict what will happen today, let alone tomorrow. Who hasn’t smiled at the story of Jeanne Calment. In 1965, aged 90 and with no heirs, she signed a contract on her apartment with notary public André-François Raffray, selling the property in exchange for a right of occupancy and a monthly revenue of 2,500 francs until her death. Raffray died in 1995, never having gained possession. By that time, Calment had received more than double the apartment’s value, and Raffray’s family had to continue making payments!

Calment commented, “In life, one sometimes makes bad deals.” She died in 1997, aged 122. Thus we should always defer to the perfect will of the all-wise, all-knowing, all-loving God.
