July 3 Petition Mission

“In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; my hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; my soul refused to be comforted” (Ps 77:2).

Audra Lexin writes: “More people than ever are searching the internet for information on how to pray. Averaging 33,000 searches per month, 2020 has seen more searches for prayer than in any of the previous five years. In Europe, data shows that the search for prayer increased proportionally to registered COVID-19 cases. Growing concerns over health and safety, economic stability, and civil unrest have driven many toward—or back to—faith and prayer.”

Yes, trouble on every hand should make people serious about prayer, especially when they see the seeming powerlessness of world leaders to solve these massive problems. When the psalmist couldn’t find any comfort for his soul, it was the most logical thing to stretch his hand heavenward. And the same God who assisted him 3,000 years ago still patiently waits at heaven’s parapets for any seeking Him.
