July 28

JESUS, BLESSER of CHILDREN: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 19:14). James W.C. Fegan, raised in a Christian home, was saved in his youth. Soon after engaging in open-air evangelism, he became aware of the plight of hundreds of boys living on the streets of Britain’s cities. Taking one, then another, into his home, he eventually opened his first boys’ home in 1872. By 1874, he left his employment and gave himself fulltime to his rescue and evangelistic work. In 1900, he offered £4500 for a derelict school built for the sons of gentlemen, easily worth ten times the amount. His offer was accepted and the Home at Stony Stratford was born. Then he established a farm where boys, trained in agriculture, were provided jobs on farms in Canada. Hundreds of lives with little hope in this world and none in the world to come were touched with heaven’s grace through this man with a heart like his Master’s.
