July 22

CHRIST the LORD from HEAVEN: “the second Man is the Lord from heaven” (1 Cor 15:47). Adam was from the earth and so, like the earth, he was “earthy.” But Christ is not like heaven; heaven is like Christ. He is Lord there. The Book of Revelation declares: His glorious presence is the light of heaven (Rev 21:23), making created light unnecessary (22:5). His sacrificial love and triumph at Calvary are the theme of the song of heaven (5:9). His name is the unifying force in heaven (22:4), not only on every forehead but on every tongue. His throne is the control center of heaven (4:10). His people are the ruling class in heaven (1:6), serving Him both as kings and priests. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of the prophecies fulfilled in heaven (Rev 19:10). And, in spite of its angelic beings, thrones, golden street, gates of pearl, trees bearing twelve kinds of fruit, and foundation stones of precious gems, the Lamb is still the unquestionable and unbroken focus of heaven (4:6).
