July 21 Petition Mission

“Let my heart be blameless regarding Your statutes, that I may not be ashamed” (Ps 119:80).

What does it mean to have a blameless heart? The Hebrew word here translated “blameless” is often rendered “perfect.” But the word does not mean sinlessly perfect; that will have to await the moment of our final glorification. It is also translated “whole,” “complete,” or “entire.”

When my little grandson joins me in the garden, his work is not always perfect; he’s just learning. But his heart is perfect towards me. He’s “all in” on the project. He has no Plan B, nothing else he wants to do but please his Papa. Whatever I think is a good idea, he thinks is a good idea. And of course my heart is perfect towards him! I wouldn’t replace his loving service with a dozen fit men. We are one in the project, and that’s how it is.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to pray this prayer today and, when it comes to bedtime, to look up to the Father, as my grandson does to me, with a contented smile at the day’s end?
