CHRIST the LIGHT: “A light to lighten to the Gentiles” (Lk 2:32). In Gospel Reminiscences, Leonard Strong tells of visiting the last of the 16 plantations in British Guiana opened to him. To his surprise, Strong found an old man who was a glowing believer. How he had heard the gospel since no missionary had visited this area? The man, Narquois, had been made the hated slave-driver and soon was feared by all. But then he heard that secret meetings were being held in the slave quarters, and drew close one night to spy at the window. Inside was a government slave who had been sent upriver for lumber. Hearing of the plantation, he began bringing the gospel to his fellow slaves at night. Narquois listened with amazement. When the invitation was given, to everyone’s shock, the door opened, the slave-driver entered, fell on his knees and believed. Refusing to drive the slaves any more, he was severely treated, but became the means of leading scores of slaves to Christ.