June 5 Petition Mission

“I will pray to the Lord for you” (1 Sam 7:5).

Howard Hendricks’ father was not saved. He had tried many times to share the gospel, but his father would reply, “Don’t worry about me. I’ll work it out with God.” One day a Christian in Detroit handed a cassette to Butch Hardman: “Here’s a tape you should listen to.” On it, Howard related his father’s spiritual need. Butch began to pray for George Hendricks.

Later, Butch attended a conference in Philadelphia where Howard spoke. Then, driving down the street back home in Arlington, Butch saw a man standing on the corner who looked like Howard Hendricks. Could it be? He stopped, went over to the man, and asked, “Are you by any chance Howard Hendricks’ father?” He was! A friendship ensued. Many months went by. Then one day Butch related the story of Jesus and Nicodemus. At the conclusion, George accepted Butch’s invitation to receive Christ as Savior. Howard wrote: “I knew God had vindicated forty-two years of prayer.”
