CHRIST the INCARNATE MISSIONARY: “In all things He had to be made like His brethren” (Heb 2:17). Our Lord not only became a man, He became a Jew, a Galilean, a Nazarene. How willing am I to enter into the way of life (sin apart) of those I hope to reach? Cam Townsend, founder of Wycliffe Translators, tells the following incident from Guatemala: “One time two of the Cakchiquel preachers and I went to a Quiche community. Every time we would approach a group of huts…everybody would hide. But at one place a woman stayed out to tend the ants she was toasting…. I pulled out a coin and politely asked if she would sell me some. She called inside for a bowl which she filled with the Quiche delicacy. The two Cakchiquels frowned. ‘We’ve never eaten ants,’ they told me. ‘Well, I haven’t either, but we’re going to eat them now,’ I said… ‘It will be worth it if it encourages them to listen to the gospel.’ And you know, it worked…as long as the ants lasted.”