June 3

CHRIST OUR FOUNDATION: “For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Cor 3:11). Sir William Dobbie was the heroic governor of Malta (biblical Melita, scene of Paul’s shipwreck) when, in 1940, it was bitterly besieged. But “the most bombed spot on earth” did not fall. He writes: “When the Siege of Malta began, some things were very evident—our weakness, the enemy’s strength, the impossibility of outside human help for the time being, and, not least, the vital importance to our country’s cause of our holding on to Malta. These somber facts were not pleasant to contemplate, and by themselves would have given cause for despondency. But, fortunately,…behind all the human factors was God, with whom human strength and human weakness matter but little. The horizon did indeed look black, but behind the clouds was the light of God’s power.” Not surprisingly, his fascinating little book is called A Very Present Help.
