June 18 Petition Mission

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace” (Num 6:24-26).

The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in 1947, were at that point the oldest extant manuscripts of Scripture. But the most ancient portion, from the seventh century B.C., was found in a silver container the size of a pencil eraser. Discovered in 1979, inside was a tiny scroll containing this blessing. The prayer, composed by God Himself, was given to the High Priest with which to bless His people.

Matthew Henry writes: “The name Jehovah is three times repeated. The Jews think there is some mystery, and we know what it is, the NT having explained it. There we are directed to expect the blessing from the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and the communion of the Holy Ghost (2 Cor 13:14); each of which Persons is Jehovah, and yet They are not three Lords, but one.” Amen!
