June 10

CHRIST OUR SUFFICIENCY: “Christ is all and in all” (Col 3:11). After his conversion in 1834, Isaac Marsden, a drygoods salesman, “went everywhere preaching the word” (Acts 8:4), in the streets, markets, pubs, wherever he could find a hearing. Often criticized for his bombastic style, he nonetheless saw thousands saved. Here is some of his wise counsel: “Unbelief is the blue mould that grows on idle and lazy souls. Keep with duty, always working with Christ; and then Jesus will take care that His bride walks with Him ‘in white.’ Never belong to those who say, ‘I cannot,’ ‘I am not worthy,’ ‘I had rather not’; but be up and at it. Let it always be a settled thing in your own mind that you are unworthy, but don’t talk about it. Talking much about it is either canting pride or canting hypocrisy. Be a noble soul. You are unworthy, but your Jesus is worthy, and you are in Him…. You are weak but He is strong. Let Him be your Alpha and Omega—your all in all.”
