May 5

CHRIST the LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT: “The last Adam became a life-giving spirit” (1 Cor 15:45). “It ought not to be passed by,” says Dr Lightfoot, “that Adam, receiving from God the promise of Christ—that the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent’s head—and believing it, named his wife Chauvah, that is, Life. What! Is she called Life that brought death into the world? But the last Adam exhibited to him in the promise that He would be a quickening or life-giving spirit. He had brought in a better life of the soul, and should at last bring in a better life of the body. Hence is that saying, “In HIM was LIFE” (Jn 1:4). In the book, Ojoma’s Song, the author tells a story about Fran Martindale and her aged mother. “Mother, Jesus is alive! He rose from the dead!” said Fran. Grandma said, “O-o-ooh, who told you?” I was standing right there as Fran said, “Peter, Andrew, John, Mary Magdalene and all the disciples.” Grandmother said, “Won’t the Father be glad!”
