“Establish Your word to Your servant, who is devoted to fearing You” (Ps 119:38). Or to put it another way, “Lord, fulfill the promises You have made to me.”
The other side of the equation, of course, is that I have devoted myself to taking the Lord seriously. There is no question on His part that He will keep the promises He has made to me. But how will I know when and how these promises are fulfilled in my life? Only if I have searched out and laid claim to those promises in the Word! How many promises are there? According to Dr. Everek R. Storms, writing in Contact Magazine, there are 7,487 promises from God to man. “How do I know?” he asks. “I counted them.”
But even when I am ignorant of His promises, He is not. I’m reminded of the story of an old believer in the throes of dementia. He was grieving to a fellow believer that he couldn’t remember God’s promises. “But do you think He remembers them?” the friend asked. Immediately there was peace!