Edward and Anna Scott arrived in India in the fall of 1862. Settling in the northeast state of Assam, they threw themselves into the work of God. However, after seven years, Scott felt the Lord calling him to take the gospel into what is now Nagaland. The Naga were brutal head hunters. Before a man was allowed to marry, he must kill at least 30 of his enemies. The British military commander warned him it would cost him his life. But Scott persisted, and with his Bible and violin, he headed into Nagaland. Soon he was surrounded by twelve spear-wielding warriors. Things looked bleak, but Scott took his violin and began to play and sing, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name.” Mesmerized by the music, they slowly lowered their spears. Scott then asked the chiefs for their permission to live among them and they agreed. Scott’s ministry was greatly blessed by the Lord. Today 90% of those in Nagaland profess to “crown Him Lord of all,” the highest in all of India.
Today’s Reading: Job 18-20 Memorize: Matthew 16:26