May 19

CHRIST the HOME-MAKER: “We will come to him and make Our home with him” (Jn 14:23). George Matheson writes: “In the life of the pre-Christian world, it may be said generally…that progress was sought by leaving home.…The man conquered the world by…ignoring, if not suppressing, the domestic feelings.…But the conception which Jesus formed of human progress was…in radical contrast.…In His view there should be no going out from the family circle into the world; there should be a bringing of the world into the family circle…Without changing the form of your love, or diminishing the amount of your love, without leaving the present objects of your love, He said, I should like you to extend the privilege to a wider circle.” From His earliest recorded words of being about His Father’s business to His announcement of ascending to His Father and our Father, He was always calling us to come home, then to be at home with Him in the family circle.
