April 26 Petition Mission

“Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church” (Acts 12:5).

Do you wonder what those prayers sounded like? Some have thought these first-century Christians didn’t really believe the Lord would deliver Peter from prison because, when he suddenly showed up at the house and “they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished” (v 16). A few moments before, when young Rhoda told them that Peter had arrived, some responded, “You are beside yourself!” and said, “It is his angel,” that is, his spirit.

But perhaps they were praying for something other than his release. Remember how Peter had denied the Lord when he was under pressure during the trial? Maybe they were praying that his faith would remain steadfast. Whatever the case, the Lord answered in a wonderful way. Notice that their prayers were “constant.” How are our prayers for the suffering church today, for our beloved brothers “in bonds” (Heb 13:3)?
