April 20 Petition Mission

“The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen” (Rom 16:20).

Under your feet, sister? Under your feet, brother? Yes! This was the first promise of salvation, but it was the Seed of the woman, the virgin-born Champion, who was to bruise him under His also-bruised heel (Gen 3:15).

Recall the story of the battle at Aijalon (Josh 10), when Joshua and his troops faced the five kings of the southern confederacy. When God turned the tables, sending the foe fleeing in disarray, the enemy kings took refuge in a cave. Trapped, they were held until Joshua gathered the people at the cave’s mouth. The kings were brought forth, men who had knowingly defied the God who controlled the sun and moon, and representative Israelis placed their heels on the necks of those rebels. The day is coming, believer, when our Joshua will share with us His total victory over that scoundrel and will end the long war against God at last.
