April 13

CHRIST “the DESIRE of all nations” (Hag 2:7). Albert Fallaize, missionary to Morocco, tells how his wife visited a dying Arab boy. She had heard the mother wailing in grief. Approaching the tent, she saw the emaciated figure close to death. She asked permission to tell him a story, receiving a nodded assent. Kneeling beside the lad, she told the story of the Lord Jesus and His death, emphasizing that Christ’s blood was shed so the little fellow’s sins could be forgiven. He lay, eyes closed, but at the end opened them, showing a flicker of recognition. Returning the next day, she thought she might fill in about the Savior’s birth and life. But, no, the little fellow said, “Not that! Tell me about the cross and the blood and forgiveness for my sins!” Again the story was told. A few days later, the boy died. When Mrs Fallaize inquired, the mother said she had called the imam who began to read his Koran. “Not that!” said the boy. “Tell me about the cross and how my sins are forgiven!”
