March 5

CHRIST the ALPHA and OMEGA (Rev 1:8, 11; 21:6; 22:13). F.W. Boreham writes: Since Alpha is simply the first letter in the Greek alphabet and Omega the last, it is as if He said, “I am the alphabet!” He, who loved all common and familiar things—sparrows and ravens, lilies and wheat—took the letters that little children have to learn and transmuted them into an exquisite symbol of His redemptive glory. I have stood in one of our great public libraries, surveying with astonishment the serried ranks of English literature. And what do these tons of tomes contain? Simply the 26 letters of the alphabet arranged in kaleidoscope fashion. Have these multitudes of writers begun to exhaust the alphabet? Not a bit of it! So too the Savior is all that God wants to tell us, and He is absolutely incapable of exhaustion. People of all nations and ages may draw upon His grace and glory, receiving His pity and pardon and peace. But, like the alphabet, His story continues ever on.
