March 30

Robert Candlish (1806-1873), renowned Scottish preacher, was described thus by his biographer, William Wilson: “Destitute of natural oratorical gifts and somewhat ungainly in his manner,” he nevertheless “riveted the attention of his audience by a rare combination of intellectual keenness, emotional fervor, spiritual insight and power…of character and life.” In his book, Prayer of a Broken Heart, Candlish wrote: “Then open ye your own lips; at once; now; this very day. Wait not for any sign, or any impulse; any favorable opportunity; any pressing call. Begin now. Let some friend, or neighbor, hear you, ere the sun goes down, speaking a word in season; a word of admonition; a word of comfort; telling something of what the Lord is doing for your soul, and of His willingness to do the same for theirs.” When we “preach Christ” (1 Cor 1:23) passion will do more than polish; earnestness will do more than eloquence; substance will do more than style.

Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 21-24; 1 Kings 1   Memorize: Isaiah 53:9