“OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Tim 1:10). Dr. Howard A. Kelly, one of four founders of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the father of modern gynecology, was a serious believer. He prayed before every operation. He read the Bible in the original Greek and Hebrew texts. He carried a New Testament in his pocket that he would pass on to friends. On his lapel he wore a pink rose and a blue button that featured a question mark as devices to open discussions on faith. When asked about the question mark, he would first turn over his lapel to reveal the secret of the rose, that its stem was in a hidden vial of water, explaining, “This rose is like a Christian, with hidden resources of grace and life in God.” He then would continue that the question mark on the blue button was to provide the opportunity to ask: “What think ye of Christ? Whose son is He?” (Mt 22:42).