March 2 Petition Mission

“Whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you” (Jn 16:23).

Do you wonder why we pray in His name? J.B. Hawthorne writes, “My father named me after Boardman, that dauntless hero who preceded Judson in missionary work among the Karens. When I was old enough, I read the history of the struggles, sufferings, and achievements of that brave young man. His name, which I so unworthily bear, has been to my soul an abiding and unfailing inspiration.…

“But there is a name above every name—a name which is reconstructing our disordered planet, re-creating our fallen and ruined humanity, and which stands everywhere for the sweetest charities of earth and the synonym of the purest life; a name which carries healing to the wounded, rest to the weary, pardon to the guilty, and salvation to the lost; a name which makes the dark gateway of the tomb the portal to a temple resplendent with the glory of celestial light.” Jesus! O how sweet the Name!
