“What is that to thee? Follow thou Me” (Jn 21:22). If the Enemy cannot use disinterest or discouragement to stop evangelism, he will tempt us with distractions. In his classic work, Via Sacra, T.H. Darlow writes: Curiosity becomes perilous, not because it is in itself evil or irreverent, but because it is so apt to dissipate the soul. Our Lord will have nothing to distract us from simple, personal faith in His own Person. To our subtle doubts and curious fears and eager questionings, He has one reply: What is that to thee? Follow thou Me. The stress falls on the last word. He says in effect: “I am the Answer to all the questions men can ask.” And as we do follow Him faithfully, we discover at last the key to every problem and the clue to every mystery in Christ Himself. He is Himself God’s supreme Answer to the enigma of human life—the reward of every labor, the justification of every sorrow, the compensation for every sacrifice, the satisfaction of every desire. — pp 132-133
Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 11-13 Memorize: Isaiah 41:10