“As your life was valued much this day in my eyes, so let my life be valued much in the eyes of the Lord, and let Him deliver me out of all tribulation” (1 Sam 26:24).
Much can be gained in Bible study by asking: How did I expect this to conclude? Your life… valued much… in my eyes,… my life… valued much in… your eyes? David had a much more reliable petition:“Let my life be valued much in the eyes of the Lord.” With this wise observation, David concludes with the following prayer request: “Let Him deliver me out of all tribulation.” This is the outlook of a man who, hunted relentlessly by jealous Saul and hounded by Philistines and other Canaanite warriors, nevertheless remained positive and hopeful because his eyes were on God.
Let’s not slip into the morass of negativity around us, like the fellow who famously said, “I always feel bad when I feel good because I am afraid I’m going to feel worse.” Yes, your life is valued much in the eyes of the Lord. He died for you!