CHRIST the DISPENSER of LIVING WATER: “Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst” (Jn 4:14). The story is told of a man who “was greatly misunderstood. It was known that he had a large income, yet he lived a miserly life, and loud were the murmurs at the scanty help he gave to those around him. But when he died, the popular verdict was reversed, for then the motive of all his economy was manifested. He left his fortune to build a reservoir and an aqueduct, to bring a constant supply of pure water to the town where he had been despised and misunderstood. This was the chief need of the people and for a long time they had suffered much from drought and disease. All the years that they had misjudged him he was silently, unselfishly living for their sakes. When they discovered his motive, it was too late to do anything about it.” But it is not too late to speak well of the One who, by giving His life, has provided us living water!