February 6 Petition Mission

“…Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel” (Deut 33:1).

Did you know that God wants you to pray down His blessing on others today? Like our Ever-living Intercessor on the Throne of Grace, we are also called to be intercessors.

Andrew Murray writes: “You complain that you do not feel able to pray thus. You speak much of the feebleness of your faith in God, and love of souls, and delight in prayer. The one who is to have power in intercession must cease these complaints: he must know that he has a nature perfectly adapted to this work…You were created in Christ to pray; it is your very nature as a child of God….We appear before God clothed with the name and the nature, the righteousness and worthiness, the image and spirit and life of Christ….It is a great thing to take up the work of intercession—the drawing down to earth of the blessings which heaven has for our every need. May God make us all wholehearted, believing, blessing-bearing intercessors.”
