February 21 Petition Mission

“Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ” (2 Thess 3:5).

What a gift to give your dear friends today, this prayer for perfect patience and infinite love—perfect because it is in Christ and infinite because it is from God. How much we need that patience when the unfolding will of God seems to move so slowly. But how long has Christ been waiting since He heard His Father say, “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” Till?

Thousands of years have passed since then. And still Christ patiently waits, knowing the Father’s will is sure to come, right on time. Meanwhile, we have been given access to the lavish love of God, so much that there is enough for the whole world, for the most unloveable souls, and for me, too! Let’s surprise those around us with this prayer to God on their behalf. Isn’t it remarkable that we can ask the Father of all good gifts to fill the pockets—and hearts and lives—of our friends with His riches?
