CHRIST the SPOILER of principalities and powers (Col. 2:15). To the eye of reason, the cross is the center of sorrow and the lowest depth of shame. In the midst of mockery, jest, scorn, and blasphemy, He dies. Earth rejects Him, and heaven affords Him no light, but darkens the midday sun in the hour of His extremity. To the world the cross must be the emblem of shame; to the Jew a stumbling-block, and to the Greek foolishness. How different, however, is the view which presents itself to the eye of faith. Faith sees a dying Savior, but beholds Him bringing life and immortality to light in the shadow of death. Faith regards the cross not as the emblem of shame, but as the token of glory. Our text tells us that the cross was our Lord’s field of triumph: there He fought, and conquered, too. On the cross He divided the spoil. In our text the cross is spoken of as Christ’s triumphal chariot when He led captivity captive, and received gifts for men. —C.H. Spurgeon