January 26

CHRIST the APOSTLE (Heb 3:1). Christ is the ultimate apostle or messenger from God to man. How do we come to know Him? Through the OT types and shadows that point to Him, the prophecies that speak of Him, the messianic Psalms that reveal His inward thoughts, the Christophanies (His pre-incarnate appearances) that show His involvement in preparing for His coming. Then in the NT we have the historical events of the Incarnation, the wonderful words of Christ (His parables, sermons, personal conversations, and prayers). His deeds include His miracles, His service to those in need, and His redemptive work. We also find rich fields of contemplation in the great Christological passages in the NT, in the names and titles of Christ, His offices and ministries, and His letters to the churches (Rev 2-3), concluding with the promised events involving Christ, still future. Thank God for the ministry of the Holy Spirit in making Christ real to us! —J.B.N.
