CHRIST “the END of the LAW to everyone who believes” (Rom 10:4). Come, man woman, do you believe? No weightier question can be asked. “Do you believe on the Son of God?” And what is it to believe? It is not merely to accept a set of doctrines and to say that such and such a creed is yours. To believe is to trust, to confide, to depend upon, to rely upon, to rest in. Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead? Do you believe He suffered the just for the unjust? Do you believe He is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God by Him? And do you therefore lay the whole weight of your soul’s salvation on Him alone? Then Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to you, and you are righteous in the righteousness of God. It is of no use to bring forward anything else if you are not believing, for nothing else will avail. Look away from yourself to Jesus for righteousness alone.
—Christ’s Glorious Achievement by C.H. Spurgeon, pp 18-19